Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hello what would be a good Video Card for my computer?

Ok so my computer isnt anything special or fancy just a 400-500$ computer i picked up a few years ago. While i still have not had a problem where I could not play a game some of the newer games with good graphics I have to play on low setting and get poor FPS. So I am looking for a new Video Card since i do not think my computer is that bad that i need to replace it...after looking over the specs i think the video card is whats holding it back.

I have a:

Gateway DX4300-05

im almost certain it needs a low profile card. Also im going on a cruise in 2 months so im a little tight on cash =P so im looking for something in the 100$ range im not sure if its possible to find something that cheap that will make any kind of a impact but let me know. Thanks alot|||$100 will do just fine. Low profile and a crummy power supply are going to be limiting factors, but if you can find a low profile Radeon 5570 (try to get one with GDDR5 memory, not DDR3) or an Nvidia GT240 then you'll see a very nice boost in fps. Don't expect to run everything maxed, but it'll be a huge step up from the integrated video card.|||am not sure what graphic card you already have or what mother board you have but this should do the job it's a gr8 card it will last for quite sometime for you…

with this graphic card I am able to run all my games on maxed out setting :) there's also a green edition of this card which uses less power but has almost the same GPU power|||PNY NVIDIA Quadro FX 5800 Video Card.

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