Thursday, April 26, 2012

I would like to buy a good video card for my computer.Any suggestions?

My video card i have now is a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE.This video card only seems to give me about 18 fps.I would like to have something within the 50 to 100 fps.I play Counter Strike alot and have been told that i need a better video card for that game.|||For now I think the Nvidia 8800GTX or the 8800 Ultra's are the best. The Ultra's are overclocked with a little better cooling fan and as a general rule of thumb are $100 or more over the GTX. Save the money and overclock the GTX yourself.

Stay away from ATI in my opinion. I have an ATI card and from day one I have had problems with it. I had to get it sent back(RMA'ed) a week after getting it and 2 times since then. At least I did get the 3 year free warranty with mine which covers any problems I have. ATI for the most part have bad drivers.

Also consider, Nvidia is usually the main card that game manufacturers use in their test machines and they build the games using them, then they do SOME testing for the ATI cards. Only one game that comes to mind that was built around the ATI chipset DOOM3. That game works good with ATI cards but ATI will fall short with most newer games that being released now or in the near future.

Only thing that ATI has going for it in my opinion is when they have a card that will even come close to competing with Nvidia the ATI cards are a little cheaper. You get what you pay for is all I will say. Wish I didn't have this ATI card now and spent the extra $60 for the Nvidia, lol.

You may be able to play Counterstrike real good with something like an 7600 which aren't to expensive now but I would save and get the better card for future games. Another thing is, the 8800 are going to be outdated soon by the DirectX 10.1 cards soon. So they may come way down in prices but still be outdated when DX10.1 games come out.|||the one you own know should work

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