Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Is a nvida geforce go 7150m a good video card?

is a nvida geforce go 7150m a good video card and can it run world of warcraft on max graphics i also have 4 gigs of ram on this computer

it was running wow slow earlier but i think it was because it was on an external hard drive and im now installing it on the acual hard drive will that make it better?|||google "can you run it" and the first website that pops up will give you a list of games and you choose the game and it will check to see if your computer can run the game.|||the 7100 is about a medium level card for gaming which means its realy good not perfect i personally like the geforce 9600 gt series with 512 of ram or 712 in sli but that card u have should be adequate and yea putting the game on an external hard drive well definatley slow it down so try putting it on another harddrive like an internal one before u decide if u want a new video card but i think the one u have should be fine unless ur a super power user like me who uses there computer for everrything multimedia|||Nope. That's a terribly slow video card.

IT could be enough for World of Warcraft though.

PS. IT couldn't even run Devil May Cry 4 on 640x480 on lowest settings without the FPS lower than 15..|||No that's a god awful. its not a technical video card it is an integrated video card. No you cant not play wow on high setting and nothing you do will make is play wow on high settings.|||7150 is decent, but I wouldn't call it good. If you want to run WoW good, I'd recommend a 7900 or 8800. But a 7150m is for a laptop, so you can't upgrade the video card.|||It's a pretty crappy video card. It'll likely run WoW, but probably not on max graphics.|||http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ref…

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