Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is a good video card?

Prices range from 50 to 500. What is the best kind for the $$$. I only want one for games, but is doesn'y have to be blow my mind graphics.|||in this price range there are a lot, look yourself here


check first your mobo, then choose. Most likely you have either a PCI Express x16 or a AGP slot.|||get nvidia geforce man,im sure u will like that|||ATI cards are good, make sure you get one that is compatible with most games you like, or other software, some of the cards you can get require you to go through a bunch of crud to make them work....I always stick with brands that have been around and are made by companies that won't be out of business in six months.........|||nvidia 5500 or higher. probably $75-$150

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