Our office has two identical computers, Lenovo M55 I believe the model is. They each have a Pentium D 3.4Ghz processor, 800Mhz FSB, and have been upgraded to 2GB of RAM. We deal with moderate video editing at our office (Pinnacle Studio editing, burning to DVD, converting to standard formats, etc.) and we are looking for a good graphics card we can install into each machine to improve performance. Right now we are using the integrated onboard graphics, and I know just about anything we can find would be better than that. Our budget is around $140 per video card, but any money we could save would be appreciated.
I know some cards would provide a lot of extra power, but I am not sure which ones would be in excess of what our systems can handle. They both use PCI-Express slots. Any tips as to what to look for in a graphics card and the pros and cons of different models would really be helpful. Thanks.|||Hate to break it to you, but a new video card isn't going to do much. Pinnacle Studio isn't written to leverage the power of the video card. Only a few video editing/postprocessing programs, like Adobe After Effects, have this capability.
The Pentium D is what's holding you back. It's basically just two Pentium 4s slapped on a die. It wasn't even a real dual core. If you want better performance, then the best thing you can do is simply replace those machines outright. You don't have to get anything expensive. Custom build some $500 boxes and they'll easily outrun those Pentium Ds.
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