Friday, May 4, 2012

Picking a good video card?

Ok well I don't know much about video cards but I am going to be buying a new computer

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And I want to add a new video card to it because it doesn't seem to good what it already has. I want to run the latest games maxed settings around 60fps. Is there a graphics card I can buy for around $100-$200 (don't want to buy something too expensive) to make that work on this computer?|||Wait a minute. You are buying a new computer and you want to replace the graphics card? Buy a computer that already has what you want. Check out this quad four deal.…|||I would recommend the ATI 5770HD, its price at about $150 and is one of the best bang for buck products currently on the market, you can probably get 60fps on all latest games depending on resolution your playing...

If you can go a bit beyond the 200$ mark, i would get the ATI 5850HD, it costs 250$ and can run any games max settings on the highest resolutions with good frames... this one would also be considered 'THE' best bang for buck|||"I want to run the latest games maxed settings around 60fps. Is there a graphics card I can buy for around $100-$200"

Good luck

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